The Needwood Singers has always been a happy, social group of like-minded music lovers. We enjoy an annual dinner together, as well as summer garden parties! Our success as a choir relies on the loyalty and commitment of the members, and this is how our standards have been maintained. Our repertoire is varied, from major works to lighter music.
We often have vacancies for good singers, and anyone interested will be encouraged to come along to a rehearsal or get in touch with Margaret, our conductor, on 01283 713474. Prospective members will have a short, private audition.
We currently rehearse at Barton Methodist Church every Monday evening and members are expected to attend 75% of all rehearsals, from 7:30pm to 9:00pm, unless absent due to sickness or holidays etc.
The membership fee is £50 per year.
Data Protection: In order to comply with Data Protection regulations, members’ agreement is requested in order that the Needwood Singers can continue to send information regarding rehearsals, activities, etc. Members’ details will not be passed on to any other body for any activity outside the events and activities of the Needwood Singers.